Large Fighting Hares Recycled metal hand made large fighting hare  garden ornaments

Large Fighting Hares

Single Leaping Hare Recycled Metal Leaping Hare Garden Ornament by Chi-Africa

Single Leaping Hare

Small Bounding Hare with base Recycled metal small bounding hare garden ornament positioned in a garden border

Small Bounding Hare with base

Single Bounding Hare Recycled Metal Bounding Hare Garden Sculpture made in Africa

Single Bounding Hare

Pool Frog bright green large pool frog garden ornament made using recycled metals

Pool Frog

Small Pool Frog frogs_chiafrica-71LR.jpg

Small Pool Frog

chameleon_chiafrica-69LR.jpg chameleonportrait.jpg
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Painted Dragonfly on rod recycled metal painted dragonfly on rod garden ornament

Painted Dragonfly on rod

Painted Lady Butterfly on rod recycled metal patterned painted lady butterfly on rod garden art

Painted Lady Butterfly on rod

Red Admiral Butterfly on rod red admiral butterfly on rod garden art made from recycled metal

Red Admiral Butterfly on rod

Common Blue Butterfly on rod hand painted common blue butterfly on rod garden art made using recycled metals

Common Blue Butterfly on rod

Brimstone Butterfly on rod recycled metal bright yellow brimstone butterfly on rod garden art

Brimstone Butterfly on rod

Peacock Butterfly on rod peacock butterfly recycled metal garden ornament on rod

Peacock Butterfly on rod

Red Admiral Wall Butterfly red admiral butterfly garden wall art hand made using recycled metals

Red Admiral Wall Butterfly

Painted Lady Wall Butterfly patterned painted lady butterfly wall garden ornament made using recycled metals

Painted Lady Wall Butterfly

Peacock Wall Butterfly peackcockbutterfly-14LR.jpg
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Peacock Wall Butterfly

Common Blue Wall Butterfly

Common Blue Wall Butterfly

Brimstone Wall Butterfly bright yellow brimstone butterfly wall garden ornament made using recycled metals shown with painted lady butterfly sculpture

Brimstone Wall Butterfly

Black Headed Zicken recycled metal garden sculpture of a 'zicken' a cross between a zebra and a chicken! Black and white striped with red and orange beak and crown.

Black Headed Zicken

White Headed Zicken recycled metal garden sculpture of a 'zicken' a cross between a zebra and a chicken! Black and white striped with red and orange beak and crown.

White Headed Zicken

Pig pig-64_LR.jpg
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Clownfish bright orange recycled metal clownfish sculpture


Beavertail Cactus cactus_chiafrica-86LR.jpg
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Beavertail Cactus

Chaffinch pink, grey and black chaffinch garden ornament made from recycled metals


Greenfinch greenfinch garden sculpture made from recycled metals


Dachshund Dachshund_portrait2.jpg
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