Thought - Limited Edition recycled metal washers used to create a large mask sculpture

Thought - Limited Edition

Bluebell Recycled Metal Bluebell Garden Ornament Chi-Africa


Small Boxing Hares Boxing_Hare_sml_chi-africa-1.jpg
Sold Out

Small Boxing Hares

Large Fighting Hares Recycled metal hand made large fighting hare  garden ornaments

Large Fighting Hares

Boxing Hares Recycled metal boxing hare scultpures handmade in by Chi-Africa
Sold Out

Boxing Hares

Robin Recycled Metal Robin Red Breast Garden Ornament with Wings Up
Sold Out


Single Leaping Hare Recycled Metal Leaping Hare Garden Ornament by Chi-Africa

Single Leaping Hare

Small Bounding Hare with base Recycled metal small bounding hare garden ornament positioned in a garden border

Small Bounding Hare with base

Single Bounding Hare Recycled Metal Bounding Hare Garden Sculpture made in Africa

Single Bounding Hare

Brown Heron Heron_chi-africa-6.jpg
Sold Out

Brown Heron

White Heron close up of large white heron coastal garden artwork made using recycled metals and hand painted

White Heron

Daisy - Birth flower for April
Sold Out

Daisy - Birth flower for April

Pool Frog bright green large pool frog garden ornament made using recycled metals

Pool Frog

Small Pool Frog frogs_chiafrica-71LR.jpg

Small Pool Frog

chameleon_chiafrica-69LR.jpg chameleonportrait.jpg
Sold Out


Painted Dragonfly on rod recycled metal painted dragonfly on rod garden ornament

Painted Dragonfly on rod

Painted Lady Butterfly on rod recycled metal patterned painted lady butterfly on rod garden art

Painted Lady Butterfly on rod

Red Admiral Butterfly on rod red admiral butterfly on rod garden art made from recycled metal

Red Admiral Butterfly on rod

Common Blue Butterfly on rod hand painted common blue butterfly on rod garden art made using recycled metals

Common Blue Butterfly on rod

Brimstone Butterfly on rod recycled metal bright yellow brimstone butterfly on rod garden art

Brimstone Butterfly on rod

Peacock Butterfly on rod peacock butterfly recycled metal garden ornament on rod

Peacock Butterfly on rod

Red Admiral Wall Butterfly red admiral butterfly garden wall art hand made using recycled metals

Red Admiral Wall Butterfly

Painted Lady Wall Butterfly patterned painted lady butterfly wall garden ornament made using recycled metals

Painted Lady Wall Butterfly

Peacock Wall Butterfly peackcockbutterfly-14LR.jpg
Sold Out

Peacock Wall Butterfly

Common Blue Wall Butterfly

Common Blue Wall Butterfly

Brimstone Wall Butterfly bright yellow brimstone butterfly wall garden ornament made using recycled metals shown with painted lady butterfly sculpture

Brimstone Wall Butterfly

Osprey close up of an osprey wing garden ornament made from recycled metals


Black Headed Zicken recycled metal garden sculpture of a 'zicken' a cross between a zebra and a chicken! Black and white striped with red and orange beak and crown.

Black Headed Zicken

White Headed Zicken recycled metal garden sculpture of a 'zicken' a cross between a zebra and a chicken! Black and white striped with red and orange beak and crown.

White Headed Zicken

Pig pig-64_LR.jpg
Sold Out


Clownfish bright orange recycled metal clownfish sculpture


Beavertail Cactus cactus_chiafrica-86LR.jpg
Sold Out

Beavertail Cactus

Chaffinch pink, grey and black chaffinch garden ornament made from recycled metals


Greenfinch greenfinch garden sculpture made from recycled metals


Small Blue Tit Bird Feeder small bird feeder with blue tit ornament made from recycled metals

Small Blue Tit Bird Feeder

Pelican pelican_145.jpg
Sold Out


Dachshund Dachshund_portrait2.jpg
Sold Out


Allium Allium_chi-africa-3.jpg
Sold Out


Black and White Allium NOTHS_bwallium_5.jpg
Sold Out

Black and White Allium

Small Wire Alliums recycled wire small allium garden ornaments

Small Wire Alliums

from £12.00
Aloe aloe_plant_garden_sculpture
Sold Out


Ant ant garden ornaments shown on fencing made with recycled metals


from £4.50
Aster - Birth flower for September

Aster - Birth flower for September

Avocet recycled metal brown and white avocet garden ornament


Bee joe-60.jpg
Sold Out


Bee on Rod recycled metal bee on rod garden sculpture by Chi-Africa

Bee on Rod

from £12.00
Blackbird recycled metal blackbird garden ornament


Bird Cage birdcage-05.jpg
Sold Out

Bird Cage

from £25.00
Leaf Bird Feeder on Rod leaf shaped bird feeder on rod made from recycled metal with two red bird ornaments

Leaf Bird Feeder on Rod

Hanging Leaf Bird Feeder
Sold Out

Hanging Leaf Bird Feeder

Mesh Bird Feeder

Mesh Bird Feeder

Blue Tit bluetit_sculpture
Sold Out

Blue Tit

Blue Tit on Rod recycled metal blue tit on rod garden ornament

Blue Tit on Rod

Flying Blue Tit on Rod recycled metal flying blue tit on rod garden ornament

Flying Blue Tit on Rod

Blue Tit Hanging Bird House chia africa bird house-3.jpg
Sold Out

Blue Tit Hanging Bird House

Brown Owl recycled metal brown owl garden ornament

Brown Owl



Lace Wing Wall Butterfly

Lace Wing Wall Butterfly

Wall Butterfly blue_wall_butterfly
Sold Out

Wall Butterfly

Large Cactus
Sold Out

Large Cactus

Chrysanthemum - Birth flower for November bright orange chrysanthemum floral garden ornament birth flower for november

Chrysanthemum - Birth flower for November

Canary bright yellow canary garden ornament handmade with recycled metals


Large Cockerel - Brown or White COCKERELWHITE6.jpg

Large Cockerel - Brown or White

from £100.00
Cornflower cornflower4.jpg
Sold Out


Small Curly Wire Flowers recycled metal wire flower floral garden sculpture

Small Curly Wire Flowers

from £12.00
Flying Crowned Crane crownedcrane_130.jpg
Sold Out

Flying Crowned Crane

Crowned Crane close up of recycled metal crowned crane garden ornament

Crowned Crane

Daffodil - Birth flower for March

Daffodil - Birth flower for March

Dove of Peace dove_chi-africa-3.jpg
Sold Out

Dove of Peace

Duck rear view of handmade recycled metal brown duck garden ornament


Duckling recycled metal brown duckling garden ornament


Brown Runner Ducklings recycled metal brown runner ducklings garden ornaments

Brown Runner Ducklings

from £15.00
Brown Runner Ducks and Ducklings family of two recycled metal runner duck garden ornament

Brown Runner Ducks and Ducklings

from £15.00
White Duck

White Duck

White Duckling two recycled metal white duckling garden ornaments

White Duckling

Dung Beetle dung beetle recycled metal garden ornament

Dung Beetle

White Runner Duck recycled metal white runner duck garden ornament by Chi-Africa
Sold Out

White Runner Duck

White Runner Duckling recycled metal white runner duckling garden ornament by Chi-Africa

White Runner Duckling

Egret recycled metal egret garden ornament


Tin Elephant recycled_elephant_sculpture
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Tin Elephant

White Egret recycled metal white egret uk garden ornament
Sold Out

White Egret

Fish on Rod recycled metal fish on rod garden sculpture in flower bed

Fish on Rod

Small Wire Flames recycled garden sculptures
Sold Out

Small Wire Flames

from £12.00
Forget Me Not recycled metal blue and yellow forget me not garden ornament

Forget Me Not

Foxglove foxglove garden art
Sold Out


Giraffe Head recycled metal giraffe head garden wall ornament

Giraffe Head

Tin Giraffe chi_africa_tin_giraffe
Sold Out

Tin Giraffe

Goldcrest chi_africa_goldcrest


Goldfinch Recycled metal goldfinch garden ornament British garden birds


Goldfinch on Rod Recycled metal goldfinch on rod garden ornament

Goldfinch on Rod

Flying Goldfinch on Rod Recycled metal flying goldfinch on rod garden ornament

Flying Goldfinch on Rod

Hanging Birds Nest joe-65.jpg
Sold Out

Hanging Birds Nest

from £25.00
Goose Recycled metal large goose garden ornament


Large Guinea Fowl close up of recycled metal large guinea fowl garden ornament in farmhouse garden

Large Guinea Fowl

Guinea Fowl Chick close up of recycled metal guinea fowl chick garden ornament in farmhouse garden

Guinea Fowl Chick

Hedgehog recycled metal hedgehog garden ornament
Sold Out


White Heron - Limited Edition Heron_white_chi-africa-47.jpg
Sold Out

White Heron - Limited Edition

hydrangea1.jpg hydrangea2.jpg
Sold Out


Kingfisher recycled_kingfisher_garden_ornament
Sold Out


Kiwi KIWI_02.jpg
Sold Out


Lace Wing Butterfly on Rod Lace_Wing_Butterfly_on_rod
Sold Out

Lace Wing Butterfly on Rod

Lace Wing Dragonfly on Rod recycled_Lace_Wing_Dragonfly
Sold Out

Lace Wing Dragonfly on Rod

Lace Wing Wall Dragonfly Lace_Wing_Wall_Dragonfly_sculpture
Sold Out

Lace Wing Wall Dragonfly

Larkspur - Birth flower for July larkspur3_adjusted.jpg
Sold Out

Larkspur - Birth flower for July

Leaf Set

Leaf Set

Wire Banana Leaf

Wire Banana Leaf

Oval Wire Leaf

Oval Wire Leaf

Wire Palm Leaf

Wire Palm Leaf

Wire Leaf Set

Wire Leaf Set

Lily of the Valley - Birth flower for May Recycled Metal lily of the valley Garden Ornament birth flower for may

Lily of the Valley - Birth flower for May

Lizard Recycled Metal Lizard Garden sculpture


Love Heart Swallows Recycled Metal Hanging Love Heart Swallows Garden Ornament

Love Heart Swallows

Marigold - Birth flower for October recycled metal marigold garden ornament birth flower for october

Marigold - Birth flower for October

Mistletoe - Birth Flower for December MISELTOE5.jpg
Sold Out

Mistletoe - Birth Flower for December

Mouse MOUSE2.jpg
Sold Out


White Mouse recycled metal white mouse garden ornament

White Mouse

Nightingale recycled metal nightingale garden ornament


Flying Barn Owl recycled metal flying barn owl garden ornament
Sold Out

Flying Barn Owl

White Owl recycled metal white owl garden ornament

White Owl



recycled metal penguin chick garden ornament recycled metal penguin chick garden ornament

Penguin Chick

Penguin - Large PENGUIN2.jpg
Sold Out

Penguin - Large

Peony recycled metal peony garden ornament


Pheasant pheasant_08.jpg
Sold Out


Pine Cone pinecone_portrait copy.jpg
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Pine Cone

Red Poppy - Birth flower for August
Sold Out

Red Poppy - Birth flower for August

Puffin puffin-14.jpg
Sold Out


Rhino Head recycled metal rhino head garden wall ornament

Rhino Head

Tin Rhino tin_rhino_sculpture
Sold Out

Tin Rhino

Robin Planter recycled metal robin garden planter

Robin Planter

Robin Classic Bird House classic-robin-BH-22.jpg
Sold Out

Robin Classic Bird House

Robin Round Bird Bath

Robin Round Bird Bath

Robin on a Rod ROBIN5.jpg
Sold Out

Robin on a Rod

Robin Trellis

Robin Trellis

Hanging Robin Seed Ball

Hanging Robin Seed Ball

Robin Hanging Bird House 2 BIRD FEEDER 6.jpg
Sold Out

Robin Hanging Bird House

Open Rose - Birth flower for June Recycled Metal red rose Garden ornament birth flower for june

Open Rose - Birth flower for June

Snowdrop - Birth flower for January Recycled Metal snowdrop Garden ornament birth flower for january

Snowdrop - Birth flower for January

Sparrow Recycled Metal sparrow bird Garden ornament


from £10.00
Sparrow on Rod Recycled Metal sparrow on rod bird Garden ornament

Sparrow on Rod

Flying Sparrow on Rod flying_sparrow_on_rod_sculpture
Sold Out

Flying Sparrow on Rod

Three Swallows on line

Three Swallows on line

Five Swallows on line Five Swallows on bar
Sold Out

Five Swallows on line

Viola - Birth flower for February

Viola - Birth flower for February

Wagtail Recycled Metal wagtail bird Garden ornament


Warthog warthog_111.jpg
Sold Out


Small Warthog smallwarthog28.jpg
Sold Out

Small Warthog

Waxwing Recycled Metal waxwing Garden ornament


White Flower Trellis

White Flower Trellis

Wings Up Painted Wren WREN4.jpg
Sold Out

Wings Up Painted Wren

Woodpecker woodpecker-2_lowres.jpg
Sold Out


Sold Out




Sold Out


Stag and Doe - Limited Edition
Sold Out

Stag and Doe - Limited Edition

Wellington Boot Holder bootholder-105.jpg
Sold Out

Wellington Boot Holder

Tin Zebra
Sold Out

Tin Zebra

Zebra Finch Recycled Metal Zebra finch bird Garden ornament

Zebra Finch

Zebra Head Recycled Metal Zebra Head Garden wall sculpture

Zebra Head

Chi-Africa Gift Card chi-africa gift card £15

Chi-Africa Gift Card

from £15.00
Chicken Wire Allium Recycled metal chicken wire allium floral garden ornament

Chicken Wire Allium

Flying Swallow flying swallow garden ornament made with recycled metal

Flying Swallow

Sold Out

Hippo Deposit
